The Elements of Style
by William Strunk
Original Title: The Elements of Style
Author: William Strunk
Genres: Non-fiction, Arts, Writing
Publisher: Madness Serial Publishing
File version: 1.0
The Elements of Style offers practical advice on improving writing skills. Throughout, the emphasis is on promoting a plain English style. This little book can help you communicate more effectively by showing you how to enliven your sentences.
Generations of college students and writers have learned the basics of English grammar from this short book. It was rated "one of the 100 most influential books written in English" by Time in 2011, and iconic author Stephen King recommended it as a grammar primer that all aspiring writers should read.
Written a century ago, Strunk's book is a nostalgic link to the Art Deco era and the Roaring Twenties. Many of the grammar rules listed in his book still apply today.
This eBook is thought to be in the public domain in the United States. Please check your local laws to verify that this eBook's contents are free of copyright restrictions in your country.
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