The Art of War

by Sun Tzu


Original Title: The Art of War

Author: Sun Tzu

Translator: Lionel Giles

Publication Date: 5th century BC

Genres: Non-fiction, Philosophy, Politics, Self-help

File Version: 2.0


Conflict is an inevitable part of life, according to this ancient Chinese classic of strategy, but everything necessary to deal with conflict wisely, honourably, victoriously, is already present within us.

Twenty-five hundred years ago, Sun Tzu wrote this classic book of military strategy after Chinese warfare and military thought, though The Art of War is still perhaps the most prestigious and influential book of strategy in the world, as eagerly studied in Asia by modern politicians and executives as it has been by military leaders since ancient times.

Sun Tzu meant the writings to guide military strategy in ancient China, but the extraordinary wisdom used to create his philosophy can lend itself to the non-violent lives of modern civilians. In other words, readers can easily take the points in the book as metaphors, even though Sun Tzu meant them literally.

As a study of the anatomy of organizations in conflict, The Art of War applies to competition and conflict in general, on every level from the interpersonal to the international. Its aim is invincibility, victory without battle, and unassailable strength through understanding the physics, politics, and psychology of conflict.

The Art of War is a book that should be used to gain the advantage of opponents in the boardroom and battlefield alike.

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